griddap Subset tabledap Make A Graph wms files Title Summary FGDC ISO 19115 Info Background Info RSS Institution Dataset ID * The List of All Active Datasets in this ERDDAP * This dataset is a table which has a row of information for each dataset currently active in this ERDDAP. cdm_data_type = Other VARIABLES: datasetID (Dataset ID) accessible institution dataStructure (Data Structure) cdm_data_type (Common Data Model Type) class (ERDDAP Class) title minLongitude (Minimum Longitude, degrees_east) maxLongitude (Maximum Longitude, degrees_east) longitudeSpacing (Average Grid Longitude Spacing, degrees_east) minLatitude (Minimum Latitude, degrees_north) maxLatitude (Maximum Latitude, degrees_north) latitudeSpacing (Average Grid Latitude Spacing, degrees_north) minAltitude (Minimum Altitude (or negative Depth), m) maxAltitude (Maximum Altitude (or negative Depth), m) minTime (Minimum Time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) maxTime (Maximum Time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) timeSpacing (Average Grid Time Spacing, seconds) griddap (Base URL of OPeNDAP Grid Service) subset (URL of Subset Web Page) tabledap (Base URL of OPeNDAP Table/Sequence Service) MakeAGraph (URL of Make-A-Graph Web Page) sos (Base URL of SOS Service) wcs (Base URL of WCS Service) wms (Base URL of WMS Service) files (Base URL of "files" Service) ... (10 more variables) NOAA.GOV allDatasets NOAA CoastWatch Data Distribution, Daily, test data Data requests and downloads for datasets on the NOAA CoastWatch ERDDAP Server. cdm_data_type = Other VARIABLES: time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) dataset_id (ERDDAP Dataset ID) allfiles_download_size (Download of Size for All File Types) allfiles_requests (Number of Requests for All File Types) unique_visitors (Number of Unique Visitors) netcdf_requests (Number of Requests for netCDF Files) dods_requests (Number of Requests for Dods Files) csv_requests (Number of Requests for CSV and Other ASCII-Type Files) metadata_requests (Number of Requests for Metadata) graph_requests (Number of Requests for Graphs) json_requests (Number of Requests for JSON Req) matlab_requests (Number of Requests for MATLAB Files) image_requests (Number of Requests for Image Files) other_requests (Number of Requests for Other File Types) netcdf_download_size (Download Size for netCDF Files, byte) dods_download_size (Download Size for Dods Files, byte) csv_download_size (Download Size for CSV and Other ASCII files, byte) metadata_download_size (Download Size for Metadata Files, byte) graph_download_size (Download Size for Graphs, byte) json_download_size (Download Size for JSON Files, byte) matlab_download_size (Download Size for MATLAB Files, byte) images_size (Download Size for Images Files, byte) other_download_size (Download Size for Other File Types, byte) time_epoch (Time, seconds) NOAA CoastWatch cwCentral_datausage_daily NOAA CoastWatch Data Distribution, Daily, test data Data requests and downloads for datasets on the NOAA CoastWatch ERDDAP Server. cdm_data_type = Other VARIABLES: time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) dataset_id (ERDDAP Dataset ID) allfiles_download_size (Download of Size for All File Types) allfiles_requests (Number of Requests for All File Types) unique_visitors (Number of Unique Visitors) netcdf_requests (Number of Requests for netCDF Files) dods_requests (Number of Requests for Dods Files) csv_requests (Number of Requests for CSV and Other ASCII-Type Files) metadata_requests (Number of Requests for Metadata) graph_requests (Number of Requests for Graphs) json_requests (Number of Requests for JSON Req) matlab_requests (Number of Requests for MATLAB Files) image_requests (Number of Requests for Image Files) other_requests (Number of Requests for Other File Types) netcdf_download_size (Download Size for netCDF Files, byte) dods_download_size (Download Size for Dods Files, byte) csv_download_size (Download Size for CSV and Other ASCII files, byte) metadata_download_size (Download Size for Metadata Files, byte) graph_download_size (Download Size for Graphs, byte) json_download_size (Download Size for JSON Files, byte) matlab_download_size (Download Size for MATLAB Files, byte) images_size (Download Size for Images Files, byte) other_download_size (Download Size for Other File Types, byte) time_epoch (Time, seconds) NOAA CoastWatch cwCentral_datausage_monthly Sea Surface Salinity, satellite (SMAP) and in situ matchups Sea Surface Salinity - Near Real Time - SMAP Daily Composite. CoastWatch/OceanWatch Level-3 SSS products are generated directly from the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) SMAP Level-2B SSS near real time swath HDF5 files. These products improve the application of satellite SSS products in NOAA by minimizing the data latency to within 24 hours of Level-2 data availability cdm_data_type = Other VARIABLES: obs platform_id (in situ platform ID) latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) time (reference time of report, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) depth (measurement depth, m) sst (in situ sea water temperature, degree_C) sss (in situ sea water salinity, PSU) time_difference (L4 Centered Time minus insitu time, hours) distance (L4 Grid Center to insitu distance, km) Column (Column in original NC file for backtracing) Line (Line in original NC file for backtracing) sat_lat (Latitude, degrees_north) sat_lon (Longitude, degrees_east) sat_l2_lat (Latitude from L2 files, degrees_north) sat_l2_lon (Longitude from L2 files, degrees_north) sat_nv sat_sss (SMAP Sea Surface Salinity, PSU) sat_sss_dif (SMAP Sea Surface Salinity minus World Ocean Atlas Value, PSU) sat_ssw (SMAP Wind Speed, m/sec) NOAA NESDIS CoastWatch noaacwInSituSatelliteSSSsmap Sea Surface Salinity, satellite (SMOS MIRAS) and in situ matchups Sea surface temperature retrievals produced by NOAA/NESDIS/Office of Satellite and Product Operations (OSPO) office from Visible and Infrared Imager/Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) sensor cdm_data_type = Other VARIABLES: obs platform_id (in situ platform ID) latitude (degrees_north) longitude (degrees_east) time (reference time of report, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) sst (in situ sea water temperature, celsius) time_difference (L4 Centered Time minus insitu time, hours) distance (L4 Grid Center to insitu distance, km) Column (Column in original NC file for backtracing) Line (Line in original NC file for backtracing) NOAA NESDIS CoastWatch noaacwInSituSatelliteSSSmiras SST Mean and Standard Deviation (NASA JPL MUR degrees Celsius) for EPA Estuaries NASA's Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PODAAC) generates the Multiscale Ultrahigh Resolution sea surface temperature (SST) product (version 4.1) that combines data from all current microwave and infrared polar-orbiting and geostationary satellites, including U.S. satellites and those of international partners such as Japan and Europe. cdm_data_type = Other VARIABLES: EstuaryID (Estuary ID) state estuary time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) aggregation year date_fmt (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) month time_epoch sea_surface_temperature standard_deviation Jet Propulsion Laboratory noaacwecnEPAsst