CoastWatch Help Desk
The CoastWatch Help Desk provides user support regarding the use of our data products and services. Please do not hesitate to contact us using the methods below:
- Email:
- Phone: +1 (301) 683-3335
- User Forums (inquiry threads)
For Email Inquiries - Please consider including the following information (by subject)
Website Content
- URL, description of problem
Data availability or service issues
- filename and URL
Data/Product Question
- filename, product, URL
CoastWatch Utilities
- Version
- Operating system
- Error / problem
Data Portal
- Data display/access issue or application problem
- Screenshot if possible
New Product or Data Request
- Application: General intended use of these data?
- Latency: Near real time (hours), delayed mode (days to weeks) or re-analyzed long term time series (updated every few years)?
- Time coverage: Only today, no interest in past? a specified time in the past? a time series?
- Diurnal warming: Is there a need to capture the diurnal warming or something to normalize to nighttime temperatures?
- Spatial resolution: Some grid size choices:: 2 km; 5 km, 25 km, etc.
- Data gaps: gap-filled with interpolation ("analysis"; Level 4) or are some missing values due to e.g. clouds acceptable?
- Of course you can just drop us an email and let us know how we're doing