Upcoming ACSPO SST Filename change

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The NOAA Advanced Clear-Sky Processor for Ocean (ACSPO) L3S-LEO-PM and L3S-LEO-DY products will be updated from ACSPO v2.80 to ACSPO v2.81 on October 2, 2023.  

The updates from V2.80 are:

  • N21 VIIRS has been added to L3S-LEO-PM. Now it includes 3 VIIRS sensors from NPP, N20 and N21
  • The L3S-LEO-PM daytime SST has been de-trended to fix a ~0.15 K negative drift in bias over the past decade or so.
  • Aqua MODIS SST has been included in L3S-LEO-PM. This update extends the L3S-LEO-PM dataset back to 4 Jul 2002 when the first Aqua SST became available. Due to current drift of the Aqua satellite orbit, Aqua SST is not included in L3S-LEO-PM after 31 Dec 2022.
  • Aqua and Terra MODIS SSTs have been both included in L3S-LEO-DY. This extends the L3S-LEO-DY dataset back to 24 Feb 2000, when the first Terra SST became available.  Due to current drift of the Terra satellite orbit, Terra SST is not included in L3S-LEO-DY after Dec 31 2021.

Routine users will need to plan for the change in filenames where the version number will change from v2.80 to v2.81.  

For example:

  • from:  20230911120000-STAR-L3S_GHRSST-SSTsubskin-LEO_PM_N-ACSPO_V2.80-v02.0-fv01.0.nc
  • to:      20230911120000-STAR-L3S_GHRSST-SSTsubskin-LEO_PM_N-ACSPO_V2.81-v02.0-fv01.0nc

Currently the V2.81 NRT data are pushed to
     [links invalid after publishing date]

and reprocessed data are pushed to
     [links invalid after publishing date]

We plan to promote V2.81 data on October 2, 2023 to replace the "live" data flow at
