CoastWatch Annual Science Meeting Registration

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Banner inviting users to register for the 2024 annual meeting

Banner inviting users to register for the 2024 annual meetingThe next NOAA CoastWatch Annual Science Meeting will be held in College Park, MD at the NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction (NCWCP), May 20-24, 2024. There is an option to attend presentations virtually. Full participation is encouraged for all, though attendees may come and go as needed.

Regardless of your level of participation or affiliation - please complete this form to confirm that you will be attending the meeting.

In keeping with tradition (a Regional Node hosts every-other year, alternating with NCWCP), NOAA CoastWatch Program leadership will be the hosts, and updates from the SOCD Science Teams will feature prominently on the agenda. Engagement opportunities with users and time to collaborate on other NOAA core mission goals will be enabled for those attending.

More details - including the meeting agenda - will be available on the CoastWatch website, and sent to registered attendees.

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