NOAA CoastWatch Satellite Hands-On Course

March 31, 2025
Sentinel-3 OLCI True Color courtesy of Copernicus program.  Image processed by ESA.  (CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO)

Many satellite products are available for water quality applications and other uses from NOAA and other data providers. These include: chlorophyll, turbidity, sea surface temperature, organic matter, and more.

In this course, learn how to use these satellite products for your region of interest using freely available tools. Address your needs and questions by creating maps and images, plotting a time series of varying conditions, or creating a virtual buoy for your study location. And other applications too!

This class is being offered in two Tiers as part of a larger Long Island Sound Project funded by New York/Connecticut Sea Grant. Sign up for the Tier that reflects your level of interest.

Tier I: Creating Images (Mar 31 only)

  • Learn to use tools to create images and maps of ocean or coastal features in your area of interest.
  • Useful for water quality monitoring, local management activities, sharing with stakeholders, publications or communications.
  • Tools taught: CoastWatch Portal, ArcGIS, ERDDAP visualization server, and more.

Prerequisites: None (ArcGIS users should have access to their own software, but ArcGIS is not required to attend.)

Tier II: Analyzing Data for Your Study or Region (Mar 31 - Apr 4)

  • Work more analytically with oceanographic satellite data.
  • Learn R and/or Python techniques to access data on ERDDAP data servers for data extraction, map creation, time series analysis, matching data to your study site locations or ship tracks, creating a virtual buoy using satellite data in your location of choice, and other application skills.
  • Come with a project in mind. You will apply what you learn to your project and leave the class with ready-to-use workflows. Participants get more out of the course if they have specific questions or projects to work on. This can be as simple as making a map or a time series for your region of interest if you are new to working with satellite data and/or don’t yet have a burning idea or question to pursue.
  • Individual time with a satellite expert is provided to develop your project.
  • The Tier II class runs 4.5 days with only 2 days of class time. The remaining time is unstructured for you to work on your project. Office hours and/or group discussions are offered for help with your projects.
  • You will give a short (1 slide, 3 mins max) talk on your project on the final half-day of the course and turn in your slide (we use your slides to demonstrate the utility of satellite data for continued funding of our work).
  • Note Tier II participants also attend the Tier I day.

Prerequisites: Working familiarity with R or Python

Space is very limited. Register early to ensure your spot.